SELF-BREEMA® is a practice of one or more gentle exercises as one aspect of Breema® (aka The Art of Being Present), in which we seek to nurture vitality through harmony of body, mind, and feelings through connection to any of 9 simple principles, known as The Nine Principles of Harmony. When practicing Self-Breema®, our intention is to remain connected to any of these 9 simple principles while engaging in gentle exercises for our own well-being.
There are a wide range of Self-Breema® exercises available and include ones done standing, kneeling, sitting, walking, and even laying down. The exercises are a few minutes in length each and can easily be integrated into daily life, however and whenever one so chooses. I teach Self-Breema® in:
To prepare, please:
*A sense of community / connection with others is such an important aspect of health and well-being. To facilitate a sense of community during online classes, please keep your device's video "on." This is also a great expression of the Breema® principle of "Full Participation." "Soizig has offered and organized Self-Breema classes for the community which were welcoming, comfortable and experiential. I found deep comfort in the ones I have attended and hope to attend as often as possible. Soizig has also helped me with Breema as I am recovering from an acutely painful event and I have appreciated her gentle spirit and presence. I recommend Soizig and Breema emphatically!" ~Esther Gallagher, Birth & Postpartum Doula, Placenta Encapsulator, and co-host of the Fourth Trimester Podcast
"This was a wonderful way to end the week and kick off the weekend. Such simple yet powerful practices to ground you plus I loved the poetic names! I'll be back!" ~Susan Arthur, Birth & Postpartum Doula, Placenta Encapsulator, Child Birth Educator, Yoga Instructor
New Self-Breema® Student Special
Buy 1 Self-Breema® class, get 2nd free Zoom Group Self-Breema Class Schedule All group Self-Breema® classes are being offered on a sliding scale basis of $5 to $15 per class. I accept payment via PayPal or Apple Pay Cash.
**Breema's 9 Principles of Harmony**
~ Body Comfortable ~ ~ Firmness & Gentleness ~ ~ Full Participation ~ ~ Mutual Support ~ ~ Single Moment, Single Activity ~ ~ No Extra ~ ~ No Force ~ ~ No Judgment ~ ~ No Hurry, No Pause ~ Please see here for a discussion of each of the 9 Breema principles. |