~ Prenatal support to help prepare for birthing and the immediate postpartum ~ (for those not seeking services *during* birthing)
Appointment(s) includes:
Discussion of how birth giver, baby, and/or partner(s) is doing, relevant history, and their needs and wishes; and
Support with either or both of the following (depending on your interest and time):
Birthing Topics, such as:
developing your birth preferences
physiologic birth, supporting natural hormones, coping with sensations, etc.,
common birthing interventions, such as sensation management, induction, augmentation, etc.,
birthing time at home, traveling to freestanding Birthing Center or hospital, etc.
Early Postpartum Topics, such assupport with preparing for the early postpartum period, with an emphasis on the Birth Givers' healing/recovery and well-being;
Referrals to local classes or practitioners offering complementary services, &/or other resources), if applicable/interested; and
OPTIONAL: In addition to the above, the appointment(s) can include prenatal balance / well-beingsupport, to provide information about and instruction of physical and energetic practices to further help you prepare for birth.
Birth Givers &/or Birth Partners who might be interested in Perinatal Consulting include those who:
feel guided to receive personalized, in-home &/or video call support preparing for birth &/or the immediate postpartum, but are not seeking support during the actual birthing process (aka birthing (aka "labor");
are interested in physiologic birth and physiologic recovery care and wish to know ways they may facilitate their innate capacity for instinctive, body/baby-led, &/or unmedicated birth; &/or
are expecting a birth with interventions (or the possibility of interventions), and wish to know more about how to navigate the interventions and other related considerations &/or how to try to support as physiologic birth &/or recovery as possible while also using interventions
How many Perinatal Consulting sessions? / How Long?:I suggest a minimum of 2 to 3 appointments (totaling at least 4.5 hours), although additional appts. can be booked, especially if you do not have professional support from an experienced Doula and/or wish to include prenatal balance support.
Choosing Between Single or Package Pricing:You may book your Perinatal Consulting on an individual or hourly basis (at my hourly rate), or to take advantage of a discount, you can purchase one of my standard packages, and/or one of my special Perinatal Consulting Packages ("PCP"):
Basic PCP: $450, for 4 hours (total) of prenatal appointments (spread over 2 to 3 appointments, 1 of which can occur in person and the other(s) will occurvirtually (via Zoom))
Standard PCP: $700, for 6.5 hours(total) of prenatal appointments (spread over 3 to 4 appointments, 2 of which can occur in person and the other(s) will occurvirtually (via Zoom))
NOTE: If you buy a Perinatal Consulting package and don't end up using all the appointments before your birth, the unused sessions can be used for a Recovery Careappointment for the Birth Giver and/or other Well-Being Support Services (for the Birth Giver &/or Birth Partner(s)) during the Fourth Trimester (first 3 months after the birth).
~ Soizig's Other Services ~ These services can be provided on their own and/or in combination with the Perinatal Consulting services, described above.